중세 유럽의 농민들이 양배추를 개발했는데,
미국은 캘리포니아, 텍사스, 조지아와 뉴욕등지가 재배지이다.
보라(적) 양배추(red cabbage)는 그린양배추보다 진한 맛과 영양혜택이 많으며,
적 양배추의 폴리페놀 화합물인
안토시아닌과 비타민 C 함량은 녹색 양배추보다 훨씬 많다.
안토시니안은 질병과 싸우는 특성을 가진
식물성 화학 물질로 항산화, 항 염증 및 항암 효과를 기대할 수 있다.
삶은 적 양배추 100g 당 주요 영양은 다음과 같다.
에너지 29 kcal
식이 섬유 2.6 g
비타민 C (41 %) 34.4 mg
비타민 K (45 %) 47.6 μg
칼륨 (6 %) 262 mg
(출처 : USDA 영양 데이터베이스)
사진 by Yujin Hwang
칼로리는 낮고, 식이 섬유와 비타민이 풍부한
적양배추의 주요 영양가 설명:
비타민 C와 K:
적 양배추의 비타민 C는 면역 체계 기능을 강화하고,
상처 치유 및 콜라겐 생성을 하여 잇몸 건강에 좋다.
비타민 C는 DNA와 결합해 일어나는 대사독소에 의한 세포파괴를 보호한다.
비타민 K는 뼈를 튼튼하게하고 혈액 응고 역할에 도움을 준다.
섬유질은 콜레스테롤을 흡수, 소화, 제거(배설)과정에 관여하는데,
섬유질은 소장벽을 통해 혈류를 원활하게 지원하여
과잉 콜레스테롤 축적을 방지하기 때문이다.
유진해석-적 양배추는 콜레스트롤에 배출에 좋다.
적양배추의 기타 영양가 설명:
비타민 A:
베타 카로틴의 형태의 적양배추의
비타민 A는 면역력을 강화하고, 성장과 발달,
눈을 망막 색소를 생성하여 시력 건강을 유지하고 야간시력을 향상시킨다.
또한 미생물 감염의 위험을 감소, 신체의 면역 반응을 지원한다.
사진 by Yujin Hwang
칼륨과 망간:
칼륨은 신체의 발란스와 혈액흐름을 유지하고,
심장 박동을 위한 연료를 지원해 심장근육의 긴장과 수축을 방지한다.
망간은 에너지 대사에 관여하여 탄수화물, 단백질, 지방을
세포에 사용하는 에너지로 변환시킨다.
유진 생각- 다이어트 효과 주목
적양배추의 요리와 재료준비:
사진 from 유진의 주방에서 레드 캐비지 요리중에
양배추의 헤드의 바깥 쪽 잎을 제거,
내부는 보통 깨끗하지만, 잔류 파편을 제거하기 위해 씻기도 한다.
비타민과 다른 화합물을 파괴하지 않기 위해
너무 오래 익히지 않는것이 좋고 끓이는 것 보다 찜이 좋다.
요리시 자주색 양배추의 색상 보존을 위해 레몬즙를 추가 하기도 한다.
원문출처는 영어 백과사전외
해설, 번역 by 오가닉식탁 저자, 황유진
자료에 사용한 원문내용:
Red cabbage
Red Cabbage Nutrition Information
While green cabbage is the most commonly eaten variety, red cabbage offers more nutritional benefits as well as a hearty, robust flavor.
Red cabbage contains a type of group of phytochemicals or
compounds found in plant foods with disease-fighting properties known, collectively, as polyphenols.
Polyphenols may offer antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer benefits.
Red cabbage is low in calories, a good source
of dietary fiber and a rich source of several vitamins.
Red cabbage, cooked, boiled, drained, without salt
Nutritional value per 100 g (3.5 oz)
Energy 122 kJ (29 kcal)
Dietary fibre 2.6 g
Vitamin C (41%) 34.4 mg
Vitamin K (45%) 47.6 μg
Potassium (6%) 262 mg
Source: USDA Nutrient Database
Basic Nutrient Stats
One cup of raw red cabbage, chopped, or about 89 g provides 27 calories, 0 grams of fat, 1 gram of protein, 7 grams of carbohydrates, 2 grams of dietary fiber and 24 milligrams of sodium.
Red cabbage is rich in several vitamins, including vitamins A, C and K,
as well as the minerals potassium and manganese.
Red cabbage, in addition to polyphenols, red cabbage is rich in beta-carotene,
which offers antioxidant benefits.
One cup of raw, chopped red cabbage provides 993.2 international units of vitamin A, meeting 19 percent of the recommended daily value, or DV, for this nutrient.
Most of its vitamin A is in the form of beta-carotene -- the form found in most brightly-colored vegetables and fruits.
Vitamin A enhances immunity, aids in growth and development
and promotes healthy eyesight.
One cup of this veggie offers 50.7 milligrams of vitamin C,
or 84 percent of the DV, and 40 micrograms of vitamin K,
or 56 percent of the DV. Vitamin C enhances immune system function,
promotes gum health and aids in wound healing and collagen production.
Vitamin K is essential for building and maintaining strong bones and blood clotting.
One cup of raw red cabbage, chopped, provides 216.3 milligrams of potassium,
or 9 percent of the DV, and 0.217 milligrams of manganese, or 10 percent of the DV.
Many foods, particularly meats, dairy products and produce,
are rich in potassium and cabbage is no exception.
Potassium, a major mineral, is important for regulating heartbeat and blood pressure
as well as promoting fluid balance within the body.
Manganese, a trace mineral, is involved in energy metabolism, or
converting carbohydrates, proteins and fats into energy for cells to utilize.
Red cabbage is rich in a particular polyphenol group called anthocyanins.
A 3-ounce serving of raw red cabbage provides 196.5 milligrams of polyphenols -- 28.3 milligrams of which are anthocyanins.
The anthocyanin and vitamin C content of red cabbage is much greater than that of green cabbage.
According to Ronald Wrolstad, Oregon State University professor of food science
and technology, experimental evidence exists that shows certain anthocyanins
have anti-inflammatory, anti-viral and anti-microbial properties.
Preparation and Cooking
Remove the outer leaves of the head of cabbage and,
even though the inside of cabbage is typically clean,
you may still wish to clean it to remove any leftover debris.
To do so, cut the inner head into chunks and rinse.
You may slice, chop or shred this vegetable prior to cooking,
but be aware that over-cooking vegetables, such as red cabbage,
destroys many of the vitamins and other beneficial compounds.
To retain the most nutrients, it is best to cook in a small amount of water.
Light steaming is an effective cooking method
The Health Benefits of Purple Cabbage
Fresh purple cabbage adds character and flavor to salad greens.
The purple cabbage is a variety of the head cabbage that grows close to the ground
and has abundant leaves that are removed prior to cooking.
European farmers developed the head cabbage in the Middle Ages.
Today, growers in California, Texas, Georgia and New York cultivate the vegetable.
Raw purple cabbage is often tossed into salads and when cooked,
adding lemon juice preserves its purple color.
A 1-cup serving of chopped purple cabbage provides 2 grams of fiber,
or 8 percent of the 25-gram daily value as recommended by the Food and Drug Administration.
Dietary fiber prevents excess cholesterol from entering your bloodstream through the wall of your small intestine;
the fiber absorbs the cholesterol and excretes it through the waste elimination process.
The potassium content in 1 cup of chopped purple cabbage is 216 milligrams.
Potassium keeps your body's fluid level from fluctuating to unhealthy volumes,
and the Institute of Medicine recommends consuming 4.700 milligrams a day to maintain healthy blood pressure levels.
Potassium also prevents heart muscle stress by supporting the contraction that fuels your heartbeat.
Vitamin C
The vitamin C content in purple cabbage is nutritionally significant.
A 1-cup serving provides 51 milligrams, or 85 percent, of the 60-mg daily requirement. Cooking decomposes some of the nutrient.
Raw purple cabbage contains a higher level of vitamin C than it does when cooked. Vitamin C is an effective antioxidant.
It protects cells from the DNA and compositional destruction that metabolic toxins often cause.
Vitamin A
The vitamin A content in purple cabbage is 20 percent of the 5000 IU required each day,
or 993 IU per 1-cup serving.
Vitamin A is a nutrient that provides a variety of functions in your body.
It produces retina pigments for your eyes, maintains vision health and improves vision at night.
It also supports your body's immune response, reducing your risk of microbial infection.
미국 공인 영양컨설턴트 황유진의 건강 요리 신간 설탕 말고 효소
10% 할인받는 곳으로 지금 바로 사러가기/ 교보문고 지마켓, 알라딘
먹는 이유가 분명한 유진의 179개 파워 레시피
오가닉 식탁 전세계 온라인 즉시 구매처는 G- MARKET
월간 여성 잡지 퀸(Queen), 오가닉 라이프- 메뉴 컬럼 연재중(2012~ 현재).
미국서 인기, 오가닉식탁 공식 페이스북
좋아요 페이지 Yujin's Organic Food & Life 로 여러분을 초대 합니다.
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