콩나물(Soybean) 은 숙주나물(Ming bean) 보다는 기르기가 까다롭고 시간도 더 걸리지만 요리에 있어 숙주보다 다양한 쓰임새가 있다.
콩나물에는 비타민 C 와 판토텐산(pantothenic acid, 비타민 B5라고 불리는 수용성 비타민으로 결핍시 증상은 과민, 피로, 에너지 저하등 다른 비타민 B 결핍과 유사하나, 특히 저혈당 또는 인슐린 민감증, 수면 장애, 메스꺼움등이 나타날 수 있다).
엽산(Folic acid: DNA 및 적혈구의 합성에 필수적인 비타민 B9), 아연(Zinc: 냄새, 면역 기능과 상처와 치유에 필요한 미네랄) 풍부하다.
콩나물에 대한 미 식약청(FDA)의 건강에 대한 경고
미 식약청(FDA)에서는 상업적으로 재배한 콩나물에서 살모넬라 균과 대장균의 독성 형태를 포함한 유해 세균의 발생과 관련이 있다고 경고한바가 있다. 이러한 균들은 콩나물 새싹들이 성장하는 과정에서 오염 될 수 있고, 손상 씨앗에 숨겨진 박테리아가 콩나물의 전체를 오염시키며 살균으로도 죽일 수 없다고 한다. 따라서, 콩나물 생산업체의 종자소독 관리, 미생물 시험 및 취급주의를 권장하고 있다.
대장균 오염 발생; 2011 년 6 월, 독일에서 일어난 40여명이 희생된 식중독 사건에서
오염된 콩나물은 치명적 대장균 O104의 소스로 밝혀졌다.
생 콩나물에는 독성 혹은 영양분 흡수 억제 인자를 포함 할 수 있는데, 익혀서(볶음, 튀김) 조리하여 먹음으로서 감소 될 수 있고, 매일 약 550g 이상의 생 콩나물을 먹지 않도록 해야한다. 콩나물의 영양억제 요인은 콩나물에 포함된 피트산(Phytic acid) 이 문제인데, 식물 씨앗의 배아 조직에서 주로 발생한다. 피트산(Phytic acid) 함량이 높은 식이요법 동물실험에서 칼슘, 철, 마그네슘, 아연등의 미네랄 결핍을 초래한다고 연구되었다. 또 다른 연구에서는 곡물의 발아가 피틴산의 수준을 감소시키는 것으로 보고되기도 하였는데, 발아시 효소가 피틴산의 독성 물질을 제거하는 데 도움이 될 수 있음을 주장한 것이다. 그러나, 콩나물에 든 피틴산을 완전히 감소하기는 한계가 있다.
다른 연구에서는 곡물의 발아가 피틴산의 수준을 감소시키는 것으로 보고되기도 하였는데,
발아의 효소가 피틴산 등의 유해 물질을 제거하는 도움이 될 수 있음을 주장한것.
그러나, 콩나물에 든 피틴산을 완전감소하기는 한계이다.
The Nutrition in Soybean Sprouts
Last Updated: Oct 24, 2013 | By Kara McEvoy
Soy bean sprouts are rich in the B vitamin folate. Photo Credit Ryan McVay/Digital Vision/Getty Images
Soy bean sprouts, which are germinated soy beans, have been used for human consumption for more than 5,000 years.
Soy bean sprouts have a delicate, distinctive flavor and provide a variety of essential nutrients.
Calories, Fiber and Carbohydrates
A serving of soy bean sprouts is 1 cup of raw sprouts and has 85 calories,
making it a low-calorie food and suitable if you're on a weight loss diet.
They contain less than 1g of fiber and around 6.7g of carbohydrates in a 1-cup serving.
Soy bean sprouts are a good source of protein, a nutrient essential for the repair, maintenance and growth of tissues,
organs and cells. One cup of raw soy bean sprouts provides 9.16g of protein.
Adults should consume between 46 and 56g of protein daily, as recommended by the National Academies' Institute of Medicine.
Soy bean sprouts provide the B vitamin, folate, which is essential for the synthesis of DNA and red blood cells.
One cup of raw soy bean sprouts has 120mcg of folate. Adults need 400mcg of folate daily,
according to the National Academies' Institute of Medicine.
Soy bean sprouts are also a source of vitamin C and pantothenic acid.
Kongnamul= Korean bean sprout
Bean sprouts are a common ingredient, especially in Asian cuisine, made from sprouting beans.
The typical bean sprout is made from the greenish-capped mung beans.
Other common bean sprouts are the usually yellow, larger-grained soy sprouts. It typically takes one week for them to be completely grown.
Korean: kongnamul or kong namul or k’ong namul
In Korea, it is one of the staple ingredients for Namul. They are used in Vietnamese cuisine as well.
FDA health warning on a sprouts package
Commercially grown sprouts have been associated with multiple outbreaks of harmful bacteria, including salmonella and toxic forms of Escherichia coli.
Sprout seeds can become contaminated in the fields where they are grown, and sanitizing steps may be unable to kill bacteria hidden in damaged seeds.
A single surviving bacterium in a kilogram of seed can be enough to contaminate a whole batch of sprouts, according to the FDA.
recommendations include development and implementation of good agricultural practices and good manufacturing practices in the production and handling of seeds and sprouts, seed disinfection treatments, and microbial testing before the product enters the food supply.
In June 2011, contaminated bean sprouts in Germany were identified as the source of the 2011 E. coli O104:H4 outbreak.
Antinutritional factors
Some legumes, including sprouts, can contain toxins or antinutritional factors,
which can be reduced by soaking, sprouting and cooking (e.g., stir frying).
Joy Larkcom advises that to be on the safe side “one shouldn’t eat large quantities of raw legume sprouts on a regular basis, no more than about 550g (20oz) daily”.
Phytic acid, an antinutritional factor, occurs primarily in the seed coats and germ tissue of plant seeds.
It forms insoluble or nearly insoluble compounds with many metal ions,
including those of calcium, iron, magnesium and zinc, reducing their dietary availability.
Diets high in phytic acid content and poor in these minerals produce mineral deficiency in experimental animals.
The latter authors state that the sprouting of cereals has been reported to decrease levels of phytic acid.
enzymes of germination and sprouting can help eliminate detrimental substances such as phytic acid.
However, the amount of phytic acid reduction from soaking is only marginal, and not enough to counteract its antinutrient effects
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