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Y's Kitchen Dictionary

죽염(Bamboo salt )

죽염에 대하여...

한국에서 유래한 죽염은 한국 동양 의학의 오랜 역사를 가지고 있으며, 전통적인 의료 치료에 쓰였다. 

약 1000 년 전, 한국의 일부 의학 의사와 승려들은 두꺼운 대나무에 소금을 넣고 

소나무 장작과 함께 구워 만들기 시작했다. 

죽염은 대나무에 구운 바다소금으로 만든다. 

황색 점토는 소금을 대나무에 채운후 막는데 쓰인다. 

섭씨 1000~ 1500도에서 

동양 대나무, 소금, 황색 점토 3가지성분을 가해

소금에 포함된 유독미네랄을 제거 하는데,

죽염은 반복적으로 9 회 이상 구운 경우, 독성이 완전히 사라져 의료효과가 있다.

많은 제약 과학자들은 죽염은 항암 효과와 항 바이러스가 있다고 믿는다.

대나무와 진흙에서 미네랄을 흡수한 죽염은, 콩된장의 항돌연변이에 기여하는 것으로 알려져있다.

죽염은 높은 칼슘, 마그네슘 및 아연, 황 등 70 개 이상의 

필수 미네랄과 미세영양소가 포함되어 있어 

고혈압의 위험을 낮추고 혈액정화에 효과가 있다.

식염으로서 죽염

몸에 유익한 미네랄의 다양한 종류가 포함되어 있어,

테이블 소금을 대체하는데 죽염을 사용하면

성인 질병을 일으키는 원인이되지 않는다.

기타 치료제로의 죽염 사용:


치약(잇몸 질환을 치유), 

목욕제(소금 목욕)

여드름 치료(박테리아, 세균치료) 


Bamboo salt is originated from Korea. Korean has long history of oriental medical science and has developed many kinds of excellent traditional medical treatments.  

About 1000 years ago, some Korean medicine doctors and monks started to make medical salts by inserting salt in a thick bamboo stub and baking them together with pine tree firewood.

Finally they found out that bamboo salt could have its complete medical efficacy if it is baked over 9 times repeatedly.

 And they also noticed that if bamboo salt is completely melted, the toxic characteristic disappears.

Now bamboo salt is well known as one of the most famous traditional medical treatments. 

many pharmaceutical scientists all around the world are researching into bamboo salt's 

special therapeutics like anti-cancer effect and anti-virus effect.

Bamboo salt is made of sea salt roasted in the bamboo. 

On top of that, yellow clay is used to cover the opening after the salt is filled in. . 

The process of making bamboo salt by heating the combination of the 3 elements in 1000 to 1500 degree of Celsius, 

making the bamboo salt carry the benefit of all three. The poisonous mineral in the salt will be eliminated in this process.

In the practice of traditional medicine in the Oriental, bamboo, salt and yellow clay are known to be effective to certain illness. 

Parched salt has been used to help in digestive disorder. It also can help to neutralize certain poison in the body, reduce the effect of vomit, diarrhea and others.

Bamboo is known to be effective for palsy, diabetes, various kinds of tumors, fever, parasite, vomiting, insomnia, fatigue, pain in an eyeball, brain trouble and many others symptom.

Yellow clay indirectly adding more mineral to the bamboo salt compound, this make the bamboo salt has more balance in mineral.

Add to Food

Use it to replace your table salt for cooking your dish.

Bamboo salt on the other hand do not cause these adult-diseases. 

This salt  contains various kind of minerals that is beneficial to our body. 

bamboo salt contains more than 70 essential minerals and micro nutrients. 

High calcium, magnesium and zinc. High sulfur from bamboo tree trunk, 

may helps purifying blood thus lowering the risk of blood pressure.


Bamboo salt has been added as an ingredient to make face cream 

also used to make toothpaste to heal certain tooth diseases very quickly. 

Bamboo salt has mysterious beauty-skin effect, taking a bath or washing up with bamboo salt dissolved water.

Slowly massage or rub the salt on your skin gently, it will give you extra cleaning effect. 

Bamboo salt can help to increase your metabolism rate in the process.

Acne is caused by bacteria on your face; using bamboo salt water to wash your face can effectively kill the bacteria. Remember to avoid water getting into your eyes, as you may feel the pain like you swim in the sea and let sea water get into your eyes.

Cleaning power

clean the scalp thoroughly. 

Antibacterial activity

Research on anti-inflammatory activity of bamboo salt suggest that bamboo salt importantly contributes to the prevention or treatment of inflammatory diseases.

미국 공인 영양컨설턴트 황유진의 건강 요리 신간 설탕 말고 효소

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먹는 이유가 분명한 유진의 179개 파워 레시피   

오가닉 식탁 전세계 온라인 즉시 구매처는 G- MARKET

월간 여성 잡지 퀸(Queen), 오가닉 라이프- 메뉴 컬럼 연재중(2012~ 현재).

미중앙일보 격1~2월간 요리컬럼 연재중(2014~현재)

미국서 인기, 오가닉식탁 공식 페이스북 

좋아요 페이지 Yujin's Organic Food & Life 로 여러분을 초대 합니다.

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